Investment activity in the Republic of Mordovia is regulated with the following documents:
At the regional level:
Law of the Republic of Mordovia № 6-Z of February 20, 2006 on state support of investment activity in the Republic of Mordovia
The Law sets principles, forms, terms and conditions of providing state support for investment activity in the Republic of Mordovia as well as guarantees to investors that they will not be obliged to put up the capital unrelated to the investment project implementation.
It also sets the criteria for priority investment projects of the Republic of Mordovia. They are total investments over 100 million rubles and one of the following conditions: import-substitution goods production, export-oriented production, new jobs formation providing salary for personnel not less than 1.5 times higher than the average wage, growth of tax payments to the budget of Mordovia.
Decree of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia № 155-UG of July 26, 2013 on the approval of investment declaration of the Republic of Mordovia.
The Declaration determines main directions and principles of investment policy in the Republic of Mordovia as well as guarantees for entrepreneurial and investment activities.
Some measures of state support for investors in the Republic of Mordovia there are:
- providing of investment sites;
- investment project support;
- tax privileges for priority investment projects for 10 years:
- Profit tax rate reduction to 15,5%.
- Property tax rate reduction to 0%.
- Land tax rate reduction to 0%.
- Subsidies to partially compensate bank interest.
At the Federal level:
Federal law № 160 FZ of July 9, 1999 on foreign investments in the Russian Federation
The law provides the basic guarantees of the rights of foreign investors to
- investment as well as the earnings and profit gained on them, the terms and conditions of entrepreneurship activities of foreign investors in the territory of the Russian Federation, including
- the guarantee of legal protection of the activities of foreign investors on the territory of the Russian Federation (Article 5);
- the guarantee of compensation in case of nationalization and requisition of the property of a foreign investor or commercial organization with foreign investments (Article 8);
- guarantee against a change in the legislation of the Russian Federation that is unfavorable for a foreign investor and commercial organization with foreign investment(Article 9);
- the guarantee of proper resolution of a dispute arising from performance of foreign investment and entrepreneurial activities by a foreign investor in the territory of the Russian Federation (Article 10);
- guarantee of the use in the territory of the Russian Federation of earnings, profit and other lawfully gained funds (Article 11);
- guarantee of the right of a foreign investor to freely move out of the Russian Federation property and information in documentary or electronic record carrier form that were originally imported to the territory of the Russian Federation as a foreign investment (Article 12);
- guarantee of the foreign investor being granted the rights for land plots, natural resources, structures and other immovable property (Article 15)
- other guarantees and benefits.
In the Russian Federation there is a set of measures to stimulate foreign investments attraction. It includes special investment contracts, special economic zones, innovative territorial clusters, state guarantees for loans or bonded loans, direct co-financing from the Russian Direct Investment Fund as well as others measures of support.